•Saturday, November 22, 2008

To start the diatribe, there was a devil in the Garden of Eden in the form of a snake that could talk. This follows that before the fall of man, there was the fall of Satan which followed a tussle in heaven that banished Lucifer to the depths of the earth. Was it earth or the universe? If it is planet earth does it mean that there is no Satan in Mars or at the moon? The fact that Lucifer contemplated evil while in heaven implies that all was not perfect in heaven.
Evil and sin were not created at the Garden of Eden, they already existed, in an imperfect creation and existence. Maybe at the point of eating the forbidden fruit, sin entered the Adamic race. Maybe it was already woven into the genetic code of man. Adam and Eve could contemplate defying God and believing Satan even before the bite, some rebellious imperfection.
I doubt if Adam was a perfect jamaa before the forbidden fruit. He felt lonely (incomplete?), before Eve could be hived out of his ribs. He had to be put to sleep before that operation could take place. So what will happen if the human race is restored in heaven at the end of times? Will it all be perfect with an alter ego agonizing in hell?
The earth itself had been created and destroyed several times before Adam was settled here. Most likely there were earlier versions of Adam in those creations that got destroyed as well. This can be attested by the various stars explosions that are witnessed by astronomers across the universe with our now advanced astronomical equipments.
It is just a matter of time before planet earth among other planets and its habitation are sucked into a black hole of an exploding star and give way to a new imperfect civilization. Imperfection is destroyed giving way to new imperfections in a continuity of imperfections. Maybe perfection is relative or does not exist.
Where will you be? Most likely I will be around, watching.
Interesting line of thought. I agree with you but my idea was very intuitive; not perfectly chained like yours.
Thanks and congratulations.