Author: jamaapoa
•Thursday, March 01, 2007

i am always puzzled at the astounding possibilities and amazing power of the human mind. its ability to create situations, memory and imaginations is simply powerful. dreams astound me as i consider them movies later on when i remember them on waking up.

in dreams it does not matter, from teenage wet dreams (even when you are ignorant of the geography of the subject fantasy) to attending your own funeral as an old man, the mind will create the ideal for you at that time.

in fact i think the greatest inventor of our time will be someone who will come up with a way of harnessing and focusing the potentials of the brain. the world could do with a gadget that has the capability of mining the images, connections and information contained in the mind of a human being, even dead ones.

after all, will that not be what will happen on judgement day? all that one did, said or thought will be replayed on a big screen. these words, deeds or thoughts will be put on a scale that has the gods’ benchmarks. if the scales tip to the left, down to abyss you go, otherwise the bosom of abraham – would prefer sarah’s - will be your couch.

the best place to get such information about a person would be the mind. just connect some electrodes to the brain and the conscious, subconscious and unconscious persona will be dug out and converted to a movie.

two events in the recent past inspired such crazy thinking. one, an interview on ktn’s 7 o'clock in news where swaleh mdoe was interviewing dr. awuor the prophet – see earlier post – and the gunning down of a most wanted psycho thug and murderer, one simon matheri.

in the former, our muslim brother swaleh was startled to hear the prophet say that he could read minds. he would know what someone was thinking as he talked to him. I could see swaleh’s face contort in shock probably from the thought of the prophet knowing what he was thinking of him, ‘you are a mad man, that molecule thing you studied messed you up’. that revelation was astonishing for swaleh who was already trying to grasp the fanatical antics of the christian faith.

in the latter, a mind mining invention could be of great help to law enforcers in acquiring in-depth revelations of how the crime underworld works even when a crucial lead is dead. it is sad that matheri died without being given a chance to tell on who else was involved and what motivated his pycho-criminal path where he had to blow his victims’ brains off after terrorizing them. he could have had masters who paid him for it or he just did it for the thrill of it. We will never know.

but with such a hideous thug still breathing, noone would have a chance to drive safely in nairobi. for once police were praised and applauded by kenyans for the extra-judicial execution of the thug. the gadget could also be of great help to resolve the repugnant political murder mysteries that have spanned decades in kenya and all over the world.

there will be no need of hollywood and book libraries. all we will need to have is a way of sharing cable connections to our minds and the world will be entertained full time by the comedies, thrillers, horror and action that lies low like envelopes in the seemingly docile human beings. funerals will be entertaining as ‘mourners’ playback the mind of the deceased. we will all be pushed to practice good virtues like honesty knowing what awaits us at our graveside. very weird.

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 01, 2007 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


On April 14, 2007 2:03 pm , Anonymous said...

Nice ideas but if everyone knew, and continued to know, everything life would be kinda a bore dont you think?

On April 25, 2007 4:06 pm , jamaapoa said...

@kountrykodez, it would be more exciting if everyone knew. Imagine no conflicts since we all know what everyone else knows, more innovations coz of targeted and focussed energies. A better human race!