Author: jamaapoa
•Wednesday, September 27, 2006
the month of september will be etched in my mind
all my lifetime.
it brings to me the memories of your existence,
it reminds me that you lost that living battle that everyone loses.
it makes me realize how mortal i am,
how vain life is, how fragile humanity is.
and that one day, in that battle field,
i will lose that fight too.

childhood scenes fill my mind,
the wonderful storybooks that you bought me,
some inspirational, like 'gogo gets there'
the village boy who beat all odds
to make it successfully in life.
did you have me in mind?

all those childhood magazines like the 'rainbow' and 'sparkle'.
what a feeling to have had my articles published all over the country.
yet you never missed getting me a copy, even if it meant going to far away towns.
and the sunday nation, you never missed to buy a copy, at least so that i get a read.
by the way i got addicted, i have never missed a copy for years.

before i was ten, you had taken me through the pilgrim progress,
ditto the holy book especially the proverbs,
what wise counsel from a dad to a son?
by that time, you had introduced me to st augustine and monica,
you shaped my life whilst young,
'teach a child in the way he should go,
and when he will be older, he will not depart from it'.

you were my hero till eighteen,
you believed in me, cheered me on my way to victory,
nursed me when i fell to the unfairness of daily living.
my high school days were eventful and challenging,
yet you encouraged me to greater heights of success.
your prayers for me always left a tear in my eyes.
and he did hear you.

joining the fast paced career development world,
you endeavoured to understand what was it i pursued and did.
you were literally there for me...
i never lacked, your life goal for us,
'education is the greatest investment in life' and,
'education is the best inheritance one can ever get'.
and you were careful to make sure my mind
distinctively learnt to pursue wisdom, virtue and education.

i wish you were here longer,
i wish i knew that day, i massaged your feet, was the last.
i wish i stayed longer by your bedside.
i wish i never went to work that day,
i wish i sang that last song with you.

but iam consoled, you left happy and content
with the effort i put, and you told all, i was your pride.
never to forget the blessings and well wishes you muttered
under the weight of forever...

one year on, without you around, i soldier on.
your wise counsel engraved in the depth of my soul.
though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
i will not be afraid,
for you went across the bridge,
where there are no more sorrows....
you will never be unhappy again.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


On September 28, 2006 5:00 pm , Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute.Reminds me of words a friend sent me recently from a song by Nicole Norderman:

"Remind me of this with every desicion,
Generations will reap what I sow,
I could pass on a curse or a blessing,
To those I will never know."

So, I pray that your predecessor's life encourages you to leave a legacy like his.God bless.

On September 28, 2006 10:40 pm , jamaapoa said...

@anon, thanks. hope to keep the good trend set flowing to other generations.