•Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Every so often, nature rejuvenates and renews itself. I feel it is a good time I re-energized and replenished my inner resources to better cope with life, be more fulfilled and actualized.
It is said that human beings shed dead skin every hour giving way to unsullied skin which is more efficient in the skin function. This dead skin constitute most of the dust in our houses. Snakes just shed off the dead skin at once to give way to a more radiant fresh skin. This is an essential process that enhances the survival of the species.
Birds go through a molting phase once in a while. I have seen it with chicken and as quoted in the widely circulated eagle's motivation story. The worn and torn feathers whose quality is low are replaced by sturdier fresher feathers.
What a better way to start this self improvement process than boosting the mind to power up the positive changes I want to see in my life. Hopefully I will strike a balance in enriching the triad of the spirit, soul and body in this new adventure.
Currently I have delved into self-motivation and self-improvement books to sustain the momenta and energize enough to have the body and the soul move along this journey. When I started a few weeks ago the spirit was a bit willing, the mind was lazy and the body was haywire. Of late I find the spirit willing, the mind is considerate and the body is starting to crawl.
Change is hard, I have learnt in those few weeks, but very essential if we want to experience growth and fulfilment in life. At times we settle for less, get content with the status quo or gradually allow depreciation of our living. We do not make an attempt to move to higher ground or hold on to what we have. Then things start to suddenly slip through our fingers and before we know it we are down. At times we don't go down but always live with that guilty feeling that we could have done more to better our lives and that of those around us.
Well, I have a journey to make and experience. I hope it will be pleasant and enjoyable with less potholes and traffic jam. Will be sharing more of what I learn around here.